
Friday, April 22, 2005

Room Service is evil

So I get back to the hotel from work and I'm really lazy. I mean I don't want to go back into the city, considering I didn't get to bed till nearly 3 am on Wednesday night. So I just wanted a nice evening of rest and relaxation. I throw on some PJs, and what do I think to do? I gave in. I bought the internet and played World of Warcraft.

Now this is an all time low for me. Here I am, in New York. I could be taking the train into the city, and what am I doing, I'm playing WoW. Now as sad as I think that is, I can't seem to care, because it was exactly what I wanted to do last night. I know Alex and Aaron are going to have a field day with this one. I guess its just a sign of an addict. I admit I'm addicted, and I don't care. However, if you think about it, I actually saved money, because the internet cost me $10, but it costs me $40 every time I want to go to the city. Not to mention I think work is going to send me out again, so I technically don't have to be in a rush to see everything...

In any case, since I'm in my pjs, and I haven't eaten, I decide that calling room service is a good idea. I didn't read the fine print that says they will charge 20% for service. Wow. They don't even refill your water and they want 20%? I mean come on? If the person who delivered my food had a cart, and they refilled my water, and had a bottle of wine to pour me another glass, I'd gladly tip them 20%. In any case, dinner cost me $28 for a tiny chicken and goat cheese salad and a glass of wine. And of course I was still hungry. I think its insane that I should still be hungry when I have $5o per diem to spend on food. Oh well I guess it was all for the convenience of sitting on my lazy arse and eating in my hotel room.

I'm not going back into the city tonight either. I'm going to wake up really early so I can be in NY by around 7 am. I would like to get a complete day in, so I'll be getting to bed insanely early, and waking up insanely early as well. Well I may not use my week nights to travel much, but I sure intend to use my weekend!


At 11:16 AM, Blogger Creakhead said...

Well at least now you can say you have played WoW in New York. That's 2 more states then me.


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