
Friday, August 05, 2005

The wonders of acupuncture

I've always thought that holistic medicine was a little hokey. I thought acupuncture was BS, and I wasn't even too sold on chiropractors (not sure it fits into holistic medicine, but it's all the same to me). However, my trip to the acupuncturist yesterday has sold me on the idea. It's totally wild.

Someone at work recommended that I go to an acupuncturist to help with the injuries from the fall. She asks me to reenact the fall. So I try to remember as best as possible. She watches me, then has me perform some movements that are the opposite of the movements that happened with the fall. My right shoulder was pretty tight. After performing the motions, my right shoulder immediate relaxed. It was bizarre. Everything was still sore, but I did gain a little bit of movement back.

After that we started getting into the acupuncture. She had me sit in a chair, and brought out the needles. She put one on the top of my left hand and had me move my head. I immediately had a little bit more movement. She put the second one in, and I could move a little more. Then she had me turn my right hand palm up. She put another needle in, more motion. She put a fourth needle, and I had maybe 80% of my motion back. I would estimate that prior to that, I had maybe 30% of my original motion. I can't believe that 4 needles were able to restore that much of my motion. After this she had me lie down, and put one more needle somewhere near my right ankle. She had me lie down for about 45 minutes or so. I pretty much passed out. After she had me slowly get up, and I was able to get up without any pain. I mean there was still a little pain, but I had so much more motion, and my right side didn't feel like it was a great knot any more.

So being the morning after, I'm a bit more sore than I was after seeing the acupuncturist, but I still have all the motion. I don't think I'd be this far along if it wasn't for the acupuncture. I've got another appointment for Monday, and I'm looking forward to it. I should be able to start moving boxes by tomorrow. That's good as I have to be out of Willow Springs by Sunday.

Viva Fiesta!


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